Saturday, September 5, 2015


It is said that each person's fingerprint is unique with individual qualities, patterns, and configurations. Much like a personality; no two are alike. I really love the sound of that; it reminds of the kind of person Joshua was. Never defined by his illness; always known for his wonderful and charming qualities.

A few weeks ago, some of my friends from the Hospice department at work gave me gift money to purchase a fingerprint charm.  Before he was cremated, fingerprints were taken of Joshua. After a lot of online shopping, I picked a simple, polished silver style, and it arrived today. It is lovely, and I will treasure it always. I had been wearing the urn charm with a bit of ashes in them, but found that they were causing me a great deal of anxiety and grief, so for now, I put that one away. Strange how things affect us when we least expect it.

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